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  • Chepkwony, David; Langat, Lydia; Chepkwony, Patricia; Langat, Reuben (International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS), 2023)
    Tea sector is an important part of Kenya’s economy as a leading export earner. Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) farmers’ earnings in bonus payment fluctuate based on variation in tea prices, however farmers in the ...
  • Olwamba, Levi Otanga (Asian Research Journal of Mathematics, 2022-11-17)
    This paper is committed to the study of absolute continuity of non negative functions with respect to vector measures. Almost everywhere properties are applied to establish boundedness, measurability and convergence of ...
  • Osango E.O., Hesbon; Oduor, Owino Maurice (International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2014)
    The classification of finite groups still remains an open problem. The concept of conjugacy provides an insight on the structure of finite groups. It is an equivalence relation which provides a neat algebraic description ...
  • Olwamba, Otanga L; Omukunda, Shem A; Owino, Maurice O (Science Signpost Publishing, 2015-08)
    In this article, we formulate an n-dimensional structure of measurable covers for measurable sets. Properties such as monotonocity, countable additivity and σ-finiteness of the projective tensor product of vector measure ...
  • Tonui, Benard C; Langat, Reuben C; Gichengo, Joel M (International journal of science and research, 2012)
    The ultimate objective of the analysis of queuing systems is to understand the behaviour of their underlying process so that informed and intelligent decisions can be made by the management. The application of queuing ...
  • Olwamba, Levi Otanga; Oduor, Maurice Owino (Journal of Advances in Mathematics, 2021)
    This article is devoted to the study of pointwise product vector measure duality. The properties of Hilbert function space of integrable functions and pointwise sections of measurable sets are considered through the ...
  • Olwamba, Levi Otanga (Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, 2024-02-29)
    This research formulates an (i − 1, i) - dimensional structure of µ (i−1,i) |f|p -vector measure integrable functions for i = 1, 2, ...n. Fixed point projection properties of a vector measure are appplied to determine ...
  • Omondi, Ndago F.; Onyango, Ojiema M.; Oduor, Owino M. (International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2018)
    The characterization of the zero divisor graphs of commutative finite rings has attracted a lot of research for quite sometime, however not so much has been done concerning their Adjacency and Incidence matrices. In ...
  • Rotich, Gilbert T; Owino, Maurice O; Olwamba, Otanga L (Hikari Ltd, 2019-01)
    A ring is Galois if its subset of all the zero divisors (including zero) forms a principal ideal. Galois rings are generalizations of Galois fields and have been used widely in the past few decades to construct ...
  • Langat, Reuben C (ECRTD-UK, 2020-09)
    One of the key parameters in density and regression estimation is the bandwidth. This has variously been termed as kernel width or window by various authors. It is a smoothing parameter that determines the amount of data ...
  • Angwenyi, N. David; Lawi, George; Ojiema, Michael; Owino, Maurice (International Mathematical Forum, 2018-11-27)
    Named after Hermann L. F. von Helmholtz (1821-1894), Helmholtz equation has obtained application in many fields: investigation of acaustic phenomena in aeronautics, electromagnetic application, migration in 3-D geophysical ...
  • Owino, Maurice O (2021-06)
    Let R be a commutative ring with identity 1 and I is an ideal of R. The zero divisor graph of the ring with respect to ideal has vertices defined as follows: {u ∈ I c | uv ∈ I for some v ∈ I c }, where I c is the ...
  • Oduor, Owino Maurice; Mmasi, Eliud; Ojiema, Michael (Pure Mathematical Sciences, 2015)
    The study of completely primary finite rings has generated interest ing results in the structure theory of finite rings with identity. It has been shown that a finite ring can be classified by studying the structures of ...
  • Oduor, Owino Maurice; Musoga, Christopher (International Journal of Algebra, 2015)
    In this paper, a class of completely primary finite rings of charac teristic p k has been constructed . The objective is to investigate the inverses of regular elements in the class of rings.
  • Oduor, Owino M; Libendi, Omamo A; Musoga, Christopher (International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2013-01-28)
    Suppose R is a completely primary finite ring in which the product of any two zero divisors lies in the Galois (coefficient) subring. We construct R and find a generalized characterization of its regular elements.
  • Wekesa, Wanambisi A.; Oduor, Owino M.; Aywa, S.; Onyango, Ojiema M. (International Journal of Algebra, 2017-01)
    Let R be a commutative completely primary finite ring. The struc tures of the groups of units for certain classes of R have been determined. It is well known that completely primary finite rings play a crucial role in ...
  • Adero, Walwenda Shadrack; Oduor, Owino Maurice (Journal of Advances in Mathematics, 2016-05)
    Let R be a Completely Primary Finite Ring with a unique maximal ideal Z(R)) , satisfying (( ( )) (0) 1  n Z R and ( ( )) = (0). n Z R The structures of the units some classes of such rings have been ...
  • Adero, Walwenda Shadrack; Ingado, Daisy; Oduor, Owino Maurice (Journal of Mathematics and Statistical Science, 2016)
    Let r be a positive integer and 2 ≤ ∈k . Let ( ) kr k GR p p, be a Galois ring of order kr p and characteristic k p . Consider, ( ) kr k R GR p p U = ,⊕ where U is a finitely generated ( ) kr k GR p p, module. If Z R( ...
  • Oduor, Maurice O (African journal of pure and applied mathematics, 2015-08)
    Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease that is differentiated by repeated occurrences of raised scaly and red skin plaques. It is generated through several applications of drugs, strains, physical wounds ...
  • Chepkorir, Emily; Bii, Harrison; Odero, Damaris N. (Journal of Technology & Socio-Economic Development, 2022)
    The selection of the most appropriate learning management system (LMS) is a strategic decision that has a crucial role in the future success of the Computer Aided Learning (CAL) programmes. A literature search reveals ...

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