University of Kabianga Repository
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Wandabwa, Christopher Khayeka; Choge, Joseph K.; Linnemann, Anita R.; Schoustra, Sijmen
(Blueprint for Kenya. Food Reviews International, 2024)
Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the world’s richest selections of indigenousfermented foods which constitute valuable cultural heritage with significantsocio-economic impact. The review provides an in-depth examination of ...
Anino, Calvince Otieno; Sanga, Philip
(PLOS Glob Public Health, 2024-08-22)
The recent Covid 19 pandemic revealed the global challenge posed by infectious diseases. Vaccines are a crucial tool in preventing pandemics, as evidenced by their success in controlling past outbreaks. The rise of information ...
Kotut, Selina Jemutai; Yugi, Jared Owiti; Kiplimo, Joyce Jepkorir
(International Journal of Advanced Research, 2024-08-28)
Bacterial infections are distributed worldwide and cause deadly
infectious bacterial diseases such as skin, soft tissue and respiratory tract
infections, meningitis, and tuberculosis. Bacterial infections are very
common ...
Hassan, Omar; Ndalila, Joseph; Abdulrahman, Manswab Mahsen
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 13, Issue 3, March 2023, 2023-03-15)
Somalia’s issues in politics, the economy and the
military have painted a negative picture to the rest of the world as
a failed state making it miss out a lot on international trade and
political participation. However, ...
Ndalilah, Joseph
(The International Conference of Asia-Africa Entanglement in Past and Present, 2016)
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