Fasiri nyengine za kazi za kifasihi zapatikana k̇ a kutiliya maanani
mukṭaďa wa kihistoriya wa kazi hiyo. Fauka ya hayo, iṭikaḍiza kisiyasa,
kiḍini, au kijinsiya ni miyongoni ṁa paradimu zinazoongoza
muwonouliṁengu wa ...
The burden of vaccine preventable diseases
and mortalities are still unacceptably high in
Narok County despite relatively high
vaccination coverage. The objective is to
determine factors associated with
discrepancies ...
Too, Solomon Kaptingei(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
This article brings into focus the field of second language teaching and learning pedagogies. The notions of language
teaching pedagogy continue to undergo revolutions from traditional knowledge of teaching to rational ...
Biwott, Edith Jelagat; Ngetich, Joel(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
In times of crisis, such as wars or natural calamities, a government’s communication strategy is an important asset as it reassures the
citizens and builds resilience. This paper explored how the Government of Kenya (GoK) ...
Shadrack, Mule; Coban, Russel(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
Evaluating the risk posed by a contaminated site involves assessing hazards, receptors and exposure pathways. Since risk exists only
when all three of these components are present, it is advantageous to use a multiplicative ...
Biwott, Edith Jelagat; Mulwo, Abraham K.; Nyamboga, Erneo N.(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
Presenting messages in the newspapers entails a deliberate process of careful selection of language and words to ensure
specific messages or meanings are conveyed to the public. This choice of words represents the structures ...
Robert, Wesonga(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
In the past several years – two decades at the very least – the appetite for laughter in Africa has inspired the emergence
of a fascinating artistic and business opportunity: the comedy industry. Consequently, standup ...
Ominde, Eliud(nternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
Legal literacy refers to an indispensable knowledge on legal matters that have a direct bearing on an individual’s responsibilities which enable them to function well in circumstances where relevant laws apply. In a true ...
Kaptingei, Solomon(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
This paper targets to assess the instructional strategies adopted by English language teachers confront the many
challenges encountered during teaching experiences especially where linguistic diversity is a reality. The ...
Cherotich, Carolyne; Kaur, Manmeet(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) is a well-structured framework embraced voluntarily to ensure food safety along the
entire vegetable value chain. Limited research has explored the perspective of vegetable growers’ ...
Nangiro, Joseph; Anino, Calvince Otieno; Omari, Phanice Kerubo(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
Maternal undernutrition is a public health problem that requires more attention. Being aware of a diversified and
nutritious diet is paramount to the overall health of a pregnant woman. This study aimed to assess knowledge, ...
Rotich, Hellen(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
This paper examined the debates at the County Assembly of Bomet in order to establish the ways in which the
performance of illocutionary acts help in revealing the cultural practices of the Kipsigis community. The use of ...
Nicodemus, Ngeno,(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
Prison narratives are amongst the growing genres of global literature. Imprisonment has been in
existence for a length of time now. The experiences of jailing authors is not something new, very
many authors have been ...
Langat, Benard; Kutto, Elisha Kimutai; Andonov, Anton; Borlang, Jamie; Kipngetich, Andison Bii; Osiowy, Carla; Mutai, Alex; Muge, Edward Kirwa; Kimoloi, Sammy; Songok, Elijah Maritim(International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2025-02)
Background: Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a highly pathogenic virus, and causes rapid disease progression from
fulminant hepatitis (FH) to development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients co-infected with hepatitis ...
Anino, Calvince Otieno; Mibei, Eric Kipsang; kirui, Collins Kipkosgey; Wanzala, Joel(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
Vaccine hesitancy is a global health issue. It is known to undermine the efforts of relief agencies and humanitarian
institutions to control the spread of Covid 19 pandemic and attain herd immunity, hence leading to ...
Kamau, Simon Macharia; Rotich, Rose Jelangat(International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation, 2024)
Whereas expert clinical nurses were needed to fill nurse educator vacancies, academia had fairly different requirements,
expectations and responsibilities as compared to clinical practice. The transition from the industry ...
Sang, Hellen Chelangat(Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2025-02-03)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed numerous
sectors of the global economy including education. In
Kenya for instance, its integration in teacher education has
enhanced learning experiences thereby improving
Kipchirchir, Sang Isaac; Kiplangat, Ng’eno Elijah; Keino, Kibett Joash(Journal of World Economic Research, 2020)
This study analyzed market integration of dry maize grain in Kipkelion East and Kipkelion West Sub-Counties in
Kericho County, Kenya. The objective of the study was to determine the correlation of prices between the ...
Kaprom, Benadette C.; Ngure, Kenneth; Mambo, Susan(International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2024-04-15)
Background: Globally, between 2000 and 2017, maternal mortality ratio declined by 38%, with global lifetime risk
of maternal death falling from 1 in 73 to 1 in 180, respectively. In West Pokot County, Kenya, over half of ...
Teachers’ job satisfaction is amongst the fundamental factors that are applied in
determining the success of a school. A teacher who is satisfied is most likely to
give more effort in pursuit of the school’s success, ...