The farmers' cooperative societies have contributed significantly to the agricultural sector
by providing information on farmers' production, granting farmers’ loans, advancing
inputs necessary for farmers' production, bargaining on behalf of the farmers, and
providing marketing and logistic services. However, despite the significant contribution
of farmers' cooperative societies, they have yet to realize their full potential due to poor
governance practices leading to poor financial performance in cooperative societies,
raising severe concerns among stakeholders. Cooperatives ministry affirmed that, in
Kericho County seven farmers’ cooperative societies were dissolved between 2015 and
2020 due to poor financial performance. On this basis, the research sought to assess the
relationship between corporate governance and the financial performance of farmers'
cooperative societies in Kericho County, Kenya. The study specifically sought to
evaluate the relationship between board composition, board independence and board
responsibility on the financial performance of farmers' cooperative societies in Kericho
County. Agency Theory, Stakeholder Theory, and Resource Dependency theory were
used to support the study's variables. The study adopted a correlational research design
with a target population of 1261 employees. A sample size of 303 participants was
determined scientifically using Yamane's (1967) formula. A structured questionnaire was
used to collect data. The validity of the research instrument was enhanced by consultation
with the subject experts. Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was used to measure the
instrument's reliability, was found to be 0.8999 and was considered sufficient for the
study. The study's pilot was done in Bomet County, where 10% of the study sample size
was used to assess the reliability of the research instrument. Descriptive statistics such as
mean and standard deviation were employed to analyze data and inferentially using
correlation and multiple regressions. Charts and frequency tables were used to present the
results. The study established that the predictor variables could explain 59.6% of the
variation in the financial performance of the cooperative societies. In addition, all the
variables that are board independence (r=0.568, P<0.05), board composition (r=0.575,
P<0.05), and board responsibility (r=0.671, P<0.05), were statistically significant and
positively influenced the financial performance of the cooperative societies. The study
concluded that corporate governance positively influences the financial performance of
cooperative societies. From the findings, it is recommended that farmers’ cooperative
societies need to take into consideration the diversity of boards of directors and have a
fixed tenure the directors should serve. The executive directors should have the right to
monitor and evaluate the operations of the cooperative societies. Policies should be
developed to ensure that the nomination of board directors is done in line with the
established framework of cooperative societies. Also, cooperative societies need to have
effective and efficient resource management practices to minimize losses. Lastly, the
board of management needs to review the existing policies to fit into the new business
environment. The findings of this study would help farmers' cooperative society's
management, farmers' cooperative society’s policymakers, and other researchers and