dc.description.abstract |
Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) is the new education system in Kenya which requires
a learner to transit from lower grade to middle grade. This transition poses new experiences
as well as challenges, some of which are building up from previous grades. The purpose of
this study was to examine the factors that influence smooth transition of pupils from lower
grades to middle grades in public primary schools in Sotik Sub- County, Bomet County,
Kenya. The study specifically sought to: determine the influence of teaching and learning
resources on smooth transition from lower grade to middle grade in public primary schools in
Sotik Sub-County; examine the influence of teacher competencies on smooth transition from
lower grade to middle grade in public primary schools in Sotik Sub-County and establish the
influence of school physical resources on learners transition from lower grade to middle
grade in public primary schools in Sotik Sub-County. The study was anchored on two
theories; motivation theory of learning and education production function theory. The study
adopted mixed research design. The target population of the study was 5300 grade five pupils
while informants were 165 head teachers and 1178 ECDE teachers to give a total target
population of 6643. The study randomly selected 377 respondents using Nuausima’s (2000)
formula for calculating the sample sizes where 9 head teachers were purposely selected for
the study while 67 teachers and 301 grade five pupils were randomly chosen. Prior to data
collection, a pilot study was undertaken in Konoin Sub-County where 12 public primary
schools which is 10% of the sample schools were randomly selected. The data was collected
using both questionnaires and interview schedule as well as observation checklist. The data
was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative approach. Inferential statistics using
correlation and regression analysis was generated using Statistical Packages for Social
Sciences (SPSS) to test the research hypotheses. The findings revealed that teaching and
learning resources had a positive Pearson correlation coefficient with smooth transition
(r=0.488, p<0.05), teacher competencies had a positive correlation with smooth transition (r =
0.518, p<0.05), school physical resources had a positive correlation with smooth transition (r
= 0.374, p<0.05). The R2 showed that 34.9% of variation in smooth transition is related with
teaching and learning resources, teachers competencies and school physical resources (R
Square = 0.349). However, other factors not in the study attributed to 65.1% variation of
smooth transition. The study concludes that teaching and learning resources influence smooth
transition and that lack of training for teachers affect teacher’s basic preparedness to teaching
CBC in primary. The study also concludes that the absence of school physical resources
hinders effective teaching of CBC in public primary schools leading to poor acquisition of
relevant skills by learners which in turns affects their transition from one grade to another.
The study recommends that the government should endeavor to facilitate public primary
schools with adequate teaching and learning resources and that TSC should recruit and post
qualified teachers who can enable learners acquired relevant CBC skills while the in-post
teachers should be encouraged to go for retooling so that they remain relevant in the
implementation of CBC. |
en_US |