University of Kabianga Repository

Browsing by Author "Ahmed, Aabid A"

Browsing by Author "Ahmed, Aabid A"

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  • Were, Tom; Wesongah, Jesca O; Munde, Elly; Ouma, Collins; Kahiga, Titus M; Ongecha-Owuor, Francisca; Kiarie, James N; Ahmed, Aabid A; Makokha, Ernest P; Budambula, Valentine (BMC Clinical Pathology, 2014)
    Background: Although the co-burden of injection drug use and HIV is increasing in Africa, little is known about the laboratory markers of injection drug use and anti-retroviral treatment (ART) in Kenyan injection drug ...
  • Ndombi, Eric M; Budambula, Valentine; Webale, Mark K; Musumba, Francis O; Wesongah, Jesca O; Mibei, Erick; Ahmed, Aabid A; Lihana, Raphael (Endocrine Connections, 2015)
    Adiponectin is an important marker of anthropometric profiles of adipose tissue. However, association of adiponectin and adiposity in HIV mono- and co-infected and hepatitis (HCV) injection drug users (IDUs) has not been ...

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